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Newsletter #2 - Two Ultra Marathons

Newsletter #2 - Two Ultra Marathons


Hey friends,

This newsletter a digest of Rundeavour news and interesting running related things I have discovered along the way. I hope you enjoy it!

Two Ultra Marathons

62.5 miles in Suffolk followed by a 100-miler near Reading

This weekend, I ran 100 miles in 25 hours 17 minutes 15 seconds Centurion Running Autumn 100. It was hard. I fell over at 62 miles bursting one of my water bottles. I wanted to quit, but I got it finished 🙌.

This was one week after the Suffolk Backyard ultra in which I ran for 15 hours clocking up 62.5 miles.

I have been documenting my journey into ultra running on Instagram (@livingeverymile), so feel free to drop by and say hello there. Thanks to all those who have already given support! HAVE I TOLD YOU I'M A RUNNER?

Quote of the week

"Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.” - Marilyn Monroe

That's all for this week! Until next time,


Please direct all feedback and suggestions you think should be included in this newsletter to

Who am I?
 Hi I'm Stephen, I'm an ultra runner based in Bristol, UK and founder of


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